Re: Index key length formula for avoiding ORA-01450
Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2012 07:34:22 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>
Jonathan, thanks for your reply.
Using your valuable input I performed some tests which indicate that the formula used by Oracle for checking the index key length is:
sum of length of all indexed columns length byte(s) + sum of the length of all indexed columns + length of the ROWID length byte (1 byte) + length of the ROWID (6 bytes)
length of indexed column length byte(s) = CASE WHEN LENGTH(indexed_column) < 128 THEN 1 ELSE 2 END
The query below returns the key length of a potential index (on the desired columns):
select sum(utc.data_length) + sum(case when utc.data_length < 128 then 1 else 2 end) + (6 + 1) as index_key_length
from user_tab_columns utc
where utc.TABLE_NAME = '<TABLE_NAME>'
and utc.COLUMN_NAME in ('<COLUMN_LIST>');
For each desired NLSSORT (column) from index, utc.data_length should be replaced with MIN(utc.data_length * 8 + 10, 2000)
The query below returns the key length of an existing index:
select sum(case when utc.data_length <128 then 1 else 2 end) + sum(uic.column_length)+ 1 + 6 as index_key_length
from user_ind_columns uic join user_tab_columns utc on uic.TABLE_NAME=utc.TABLE_NAME and uic.COLUMN_NAME=utc.COLUMN_NAME
where index_name='<INDEX_NAME>'
From: Jonathan Lewis <> To:
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2012 1:24 PM Subject: Re: Index key length formula for avoiding ORA-01450
A couple of corrections:
The length of the full key is not stored, it's derived in the dump For columns longer than 127 bytes the column length is stored as 2 bytes, not three bytes.
The length reported in the ORA-01450 is only about the key length, and does not consider lock, flag and row directory bytes.
Jonathan Lewis
Author: Oracle Core (Apress 2011)
-- on Tue Sep 18 2012 - 09:34:22 CDT