Re: uptime
From: Robert Hanuschke <>
Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2012 14:25:17 +0200
Message-ID: <>
Don't have a Windows server here any more, but in a company I worked before, we had all of our databases on Windows at some point and few had uptimes of several years.
Can't give you the SELECT because I'm not working there any more but I could make up that one, too. So you - or better your client - has to take my word anyway.
Best regards,
Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2012 14:25:17 +0200
Message-ID: <>
Don't have a Windows server here any more, but in a company I worked before, we had all of our databases on Windows at some point and few had uptimes of several years.
Can't give you the SELECT because I'm not working there any more but I could make up that one, too. So you - or better your client - has to take my word anyway.
Best regards,
On Thu, Sep 13, 2012 at 6:32 AM, Connor McDonald <>wrote:
> Hi all,
> I need to convince a client that they dont need restart their Oracle db
> (and their Windows server) every night.
> Can anyone send me:
> select to_char(min(logon_time),'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') started,
> round(sysdate-min(logon_time),2) days
> from v$session
> for any long-in-the-tooth Windows server they've got...
> Thanks,
> Connor
> --
> Connor McDonald
> ===========================
> blog:
> web:
> "If you are not living on the edge, you are taking up too much room."
> - Jayne Howard
> --
-- on Thu Sep 13 2012 - 07:25:17 CDT