x86 Sun users?
From: Fontecchio, Mark <mfontecchio_at_techtarget.com>
Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2012 15:49:25 -0400
Message-ID: <0DE04DFC5FF23A4BB4D587EBE8BB9D13E76C1418_at_SPARKY.office.techtarget.com>
I'm a reporter working on a story about x86 Sun users and how they feel about Oracle's direction in pushing engineered systems like Exadata over x86. If you're willing to talk, please let me know: mfontecchio_at_techtarget.com<mailto:mfontecchio_at_techtarget.com>. If you've already migrated off Sun x86 to another platform, I'd like to hear from you too. Thanks!
Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2012 15:49:25 -0400
Message-ID: <0DE04DFC5FF23A4BB4D587EBE8BB9D13E76C1418_at_SPARKY.office.techtarget.com>
I'm a reporter working on a story about x86 Sun users and how they feel about Oracle's direction in pushing engineered systems like Exadata over x86. If you're willing to talk, please let me know: mfontecchio_at_techtarget.com<mailto:mfontecchio_at_techtarget.com>. If you've already migrated off Sun x86 to another platform, I'd like to hear from you too. Thanks!
Mark Fontecchio
Editor, SearchOracle.com, SearchSQLServer.com
_at_OracleTT, @SQLServerTT
Received on Mon Aug 27 2012 - 14:49:25 CDT