RE: AWR logical reads question

From: Allen, Brandon <>
Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2012 23:28:10 +0000
Message-ID: <A250F0C68C23514CA9F3DF63D60EE10E163FDC50_at_onews31>

Maybe you're missing direct reads?

-----Original Message-----

From: [] On Behalf Of Keith Moore

The part I can't figure out is where the total logical reads comes from. I can query the CONSISTENT_GETS column of DBA_HIST_BUFFER_POOL_STAT and get reasonable close and get within about 1.5% if I also add in DB_BLOCK_GETS but can't get to the exact total.

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-- Received on Thu Aug 16 2012 - 18:28:10 CDT

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