RE: listener on windows using wrong directory structure
Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2012 14:40:30 +0000
Message-ID: <4AF37DF85FABC641A090D23044A9C9B44F0D17B8_at_exmbwlm02.TRAVELCLICK.NET>
For a test, try setting TNS_ADMIN to correct version/location and start the listener to see if correct listener starts !
Mayen Shah
-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Robert Hanuschke
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2012 10:37 AM
To: Jeffrey Beckstrom
Cc: oracle-l-freelists;; oracle-db-l
Subject: Re: listener on windows using wrong directory structure
what I mean -
please run regedit - or let a windows admin do that - and check (approximately, I do not have a windows box here) hkey_local_machine/software/oracle for TNS_ADMIN settings
also (again, those will not be exact names), right click "Computer" in your windows explorer, go to settings -> advanced -> environment variables and check for a TNS_ADMIN path pointing to a wrong location there.
Best regards,
On Wed, Aug 15, 2012 at 4:11 PM, Jeffrey Beckstrom <>wrote:
> That's the problem. I am trying to start the listener but
> it keeps referencing the 10g or 11g r1 listener.ora files.
> Jeffrey Beckstrom
> Database Administrator
> Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority Information Systems
> 1240 W. 6th Street
> Cleveland, Ohio 44113
> >>> Robert Hanuschke <> 8/15/12 9:49 AM >>>
> Hi Jeffrey,
> the output you've provided shows you setting the environment while the
> listener is already running.
> What is the TNS_ADMIN set to when the listener is being started (via
> the Windows service I assume) in the registry?
> Best regards,
> Robert
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