Re: Oracle and VM
Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2012 12:34:42 -0400
Message-ID: <>
> So people are doing it in the real world, despite whatever Oracle says
> about supportability.
> Note: I do not know a single customer who is using OracleVM in
> production. Oracle should just give up on that already.
I don't think that will ever happen. Basically, they would loose control on some on their revenue as virtual CPU differ between virtualization technology
I think their stand at the moment is not meant to prevent people from using vmware, but to protect their revenue. Its another way of saying, if you don't want to pay license for the whole hardware, fair use our virtualization. If that's not good for you, great then pay up for all the physical CPUs
You can't win against them with such a stand. And I don't see any incentive for them to change as oracle deployed on vmware actually bring in cash that they would have forgone if you deployed their virtualization
> On Thu, Aug 9, 2012 at 11:50 AM, Rodd Holman <>
> > On the support front, I've dealt with this a couple of years ago. I'm
> > sure if they've changed their stance since then but here was my
> > We were test profiling going to Oracle on OEL5/UEK in VMware ESX
> > environment. We were trying to use DNFS for storage. We ran into a
> > of networking issues and Oracle Support did try to help us. However as
> > walked the support path past the basics they quickly turned from
support to
> > "please replicate this problem in a supported virtual environment or on
> > physical hardware".
> >
> > YMMV, but beware that anything beyond basic OSS assistance could quickly
> > become a finger pointing game between vendors.
> >
> --
-- on Thu Aug 09 2012 - 11:34:42 CDT