RE: Monitoring Hosts in Cloud Control 12C
Date: Tue, 7 Aug 2012 13:44:45 -0700
Message-ID: <>
Thanks Pete. This is the same behavior I see when testing. I was hoping it would be different. So why should I not conclude that to view the status history of a host requires the WLS Management Pack EE?
On GC one can see the uptime history of a host without checking any management pack. Time-period host performance graphs are also available. When I turn off the three packs we have licensed: Database Tuning, Diagnostics, and Configuration, the performance tab for a database host is grayed-out. This I expected. However as far as I can tell this has no affect on host which host performance graphs can be read.
Can anyone point me to any documentation which says one can enable the WLS Management Pack EE on host targets, and the conditions under which that enabling is permissible for EM/GC 12C
Definitely time to open the SR.
Licensing is always fun to try and understand, so I tend to steer clear of it as much as possible - it's all free to me. :)
Answers to your specific questions here though:
For the host target, status history page, management packs for this page shows WLS Management Pack EE. For a database target, status history page, management packs for this page shows Database Diagnostics Pack.
Pete Sharman
Principal Product Manager
Enterprise Manager Product Suite
33 Benson Crescent CALWELL ACT 2905 AUSTRALIA
Phone: +61262924095 | | Fax: +61262925183 | | Mobile: +61414443449
-- on Tue Aug 07 2012 - 15:44:45 CDT