Re: 11gr2 s/w install
Date: Fri, 03 Aug 2012 07:27:08 -0500
Message-ID: <>
Nagaraj - to clarify a little:
RAC these days consists of two installations. 1) "Grid" software which includes both clusterware and ASM 2) "Database" software in a separate directory
You can only have one active grid installation on a server. You could install it to a different directory than the old clusterware, but you cannot have both running together - you'd have to shutdown the old before starting (or even installing) the new. There's no automatic method for "failback" (re-activating) the old grid home, but with some caveats and work this might be possible (until you update ASM on-disk data structures).
You can have as many active "database" software directories as you want. You can have 11.1 running alongside 11.2 running alongside 10.2. The clusterware and asm layers are fully backwards-compatible, meaning that all of these different versions of the database software running at the same time on the same server will use the single 11.2 clusterware and ASM software.
Hope you're able to do the upgrade - it's a great learning exercise!
-- Jeremy Schneider Chicago +1 312-725-9249 On 07/23/2012 12:37 PM, Nagaraj S wrote:Received on Fri Aug 03 2012 - 07:27:08 CDT
> my question is
> Is it possible to install oracle RAC(clusterware/rdbms)
> software(on different location) on a server while RAC setup
> already exists and running. If so, will it affect my existing(
> clusterware software?
> On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 11:00 PM, Lyall Barbour <
>> wrote:
>> Not really sure we can understand your question, but here's a few answers
>> to a few questions, that you might be asking.
>> 1) Can i install the OMS/Grid system on a server running an 11.2 RAC
>> database where that database will be used for EM 12c? YES! That's how you
>> are supposed to install EM 12c.
>> 2) Can i install the Agent for EM 12c on a server running an 11.2 RAC
>> database? yes, as long as there no older version of an Oracle Agent
>> already installed there.
>> "11gr2 grid software" does not exist to my knowledge. No Agent, or OMS is
>> version 11gr2. Only EM 11gr1, 10gr2, 10gr1 or EM 12c.
>> HTH,
>> Lyall
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Nagaraj S
>> Sent: 07/23/12 01:11 PM
>> To: oracle-l
>> Subject: 11gr2 s/w install
>> Hello Gurus,
>> Doubt on gird software installation..
>> I have RAC setup already running on my system and i decided to
>> upgrade my crs/asm/db to 11gr2, in that case is it possible to install
>> 11gr2 grid software alone while my already running on my system?
>> will there be any conflit? Please advise
>> -Nagaraj
>> --
> --
> .