Re: EM 12c Agent Install - Windows
Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2012 13:25:00 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>
Hi Pete,
Can you check that again? I just did a silent deploy and here is my command to ignore the Pre-Reqs to see if his error would show more. ./ AGENT_BASE_DIR=<full path to your deployment directory>
-ignorePreReqs RESPONSE_FILE=<full path to file>
I know it surprised me too, but this was the requested format from the and I'm sure the windows version was the same ... :D
Kellyn Pot'Vin
Senior Technical Consultant
From: Peter Sharman <> To:; SUzzell_at_MICROS.COM; Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2012 1:47 PM
Subject: RE: EM 12c Agent Install - Windows
I think Kellyn means ignoreSysprereqs which in fact is done automatically IIRC. Anyway, it's certainly listed as there in the error.
Some details might help:
- OMS/Agent OS and versions
- Is Cygwin installed on the agent?
- How are you pushing the agent out? Add Host ...?
Pete Sharman
Principal Product Manager
Enterprise Manager Product Suite
33 Benson Crescent CALWELL ACT 2905 AUSTRALIA
Phone: +61262924095 | | Fax: +61262925183 | | Mobile: +61414443449
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"Oh no, it's not, it's much harder than that!" Bruce Pihlamae, long term Oracle DBA
-----Original Message-----
From: Kellyn Pot'vin []
Sent: Thursday, 19 July 2012 1:01 AM
To: SUzzell_at_MICROS.COM;
Subject: Re: EM 12c Agent Install - Windows
Did you try the auto-deploy from the console? I would also try to rerun the silent deploy with -ignorePrereqs to tell you what may actually be causing the issue. Make sure to remove or move the current TMP files in the agent deploy location first. I'd also verify there isn't anything of value in the .err file.
Good luck,
Kellyn Pot'Vin
Senior Technical Consultant
From: "Uzzell, Stephan" <SUzzell_at_MICROS.COM> To: "" <> Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2012 7:49 AM
Subject: EM 12c Agent Install - Windows
Hi listers,
I know several of you have rolled out EM 12c fairly successfully, so I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction here. I've made my way through the OMS install, and the (automatic) agent install on the OMS node went fine. I'm trying my first push of the agent out to a remote node, but it is failing on the remote prerequisite checks. The logs (those that I've found, at any rate) are not particularly helpful:
2012-07-18_09-35-20:INFO:=========Command Exception :Error Message:Not Available<br><br> Exit Code :1 2012-07-18_09-35-20:INFO:Updating Action RemotePrereqwith Status FAILED and error Message :Error Message:Not Available<br><br> Exit Code :1 and problem Execution of command E:/oracle/agent12c/ADATMP_2012-07-18_09-18-05-AM/prereq_stage/core/ -prereqchecker -silent -ignoreSysPrereqs -waitForCompletion -prereqlogloc E:/oracle/agent12c/ADATMP_2012-07-18_09-18-05-AM/prereqlogs -entryPoint PREREQ_CONFIG_LOCATION=E:/oracle/agent12c/ADATMP_2012-07-18_09-18-05-AM/prereq_stage/core/ 2>E:/oracle/agent12c/ADATMP_2012-07-18_09-18-05-AM/prereqlogs/remote_prereq.err 1>E:/oracle/agent12c/ADATMP_2012-07-18_09-18-05-AM/prereqlogs/remote_prereq.log on host Failed and recommendation Not Available
2012-07-18_09-35-20:INFO:=================action status is not empty FAILED
Any pointers? Clues?
Stephan Uzzell
Received on Wed Jul 18 2012 - 15:25:00 CDT