RE: PL/SQL Development Tool Of Choice
Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2012 10:59:32 -0500
Message-ID: <>
I talked to Jeff Smith when he was with Quest about the 'out of the box' options Toad uses.
A lot of apps default to a minimalist configuration out of the box, whereas Toad seems to go the other direction - seems like they wanted people to be able to see/use ALL the functionality when it was first installed which gets overwhelming even for a regular Toad user. I'm always having to go in and reconfigure stuff when I upgrade to a major version.
For example, I had my Toad 10.x setup nice and clean with shortcut keys the way I wanted them, window layouts, toolbars etc.
So I upgrade to Toad 11 and all that went out the window so I asked how to import my Toad 10 settings and they told me how and it worked - *EXCEPT* that there was no way (that I could find) to re-enable some of the new Toad 11 features - the menu choices were gone based on the settings I imported from Toad 10 *and* the new features didn't appear in the customization settings - ultimately I had to reinstall Toad 11 and configure it manually. Not a huge problem, but time consuming. (I can't remember the specific new functionality I was trying to re-enable though and I probably haven't even used it)
Chris Taylor
"Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of intelligent effort." -- John Ruskin (English Writer 1819-1900)
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-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Norman Dunbar
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2012 10:48 AM
Subject: Re: PL/SQL Development Tool Of Choice
On 18/07/12 16:11, Kellyn Pot'vin wrote:
> Now I have to say, and this goes for most tools, that when I stated I would like to see TOAD go on a diet, I meant all the extra calls it makes to provide the user every piece of data at their fingertips, even when all they want is one, small bit of information.
> Let's say a developer is in TOAD and wants to see the name of table 'XYZ'. When they click on it, TOAD also gathers for them, (just in case) all the column information, size information, extents, dependencies, partitions, constraints, etc. This kind of added querying has a cost overall to the performance of the data dictionary and to a performance tuning DBA, if I start seeing waits on my TAB$, ICOL$, SEG$, IND$, etc. tables, then I'm going to want to know why this has started.
> ....
I've forwarded a copy of Kellyn's email to the Toad Developers for comment. Hope you don't mind. Knowing them, if there is a problem, they will fix it PDQ.
-- Norman Dunbar Dunbar IT Consultants Ltd Registered address: Thorpe House 61 Richardshaw Lane Pudsey West Yorkshire United Kingdom LS28 7EL Company Number: 05132767 -- -- on Wed Jul 18 2012 - 10:59:32 CDT