Re: PL/SQL Development Tool Of Choice
Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2012 16:36:42 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>
Yay, I thought I was the only DBA who didn't use TOAD! (Thank you, Tim!) I would like to also see TOAD on a diet as I've seen it in an environment with 25+ licenses and observed how "heavy" it was. Loved Embarcadero DB Artisan, but also quite heavy in the environment.
I have used PL/SQL Developer for numerous years, content with it for the little I required, but latest release, (9.x.x) had some bugs.
SQL Developer is coming up fast in the ranks with features and I give a lot of credit to the team that they have on this product.
As a remote DBA, my only tools I have available to me now are command line... :) As I've said in blogs/tweets, etc.- I strongly believe that any code that will be released to production should be verified will successfully compile at the command line, (SQL*Plus), NOT JUST with a GUI Tool. Doing any less is asking for issues with a release, especially if your database is on a Unix/Linux platform and you have some type of version control software that is in place.
~Tombez sept fois, se relever huit!
Kellyn Pot'Vin
Senior Technical Consultant
From: Tim Hall <> To:
Cc: "" <>; "" <> Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2012 4:51 PM
Subject: Re: PL/SQL Development Tool Of Choice
I despise TOAD. It's got so much bloat. It's loaded on my desktop at work and I never use it.
I think SQL*Developer is neat, free, and does what I need it to. Far less bloat than TOAD.
I used PL/SQL*Developer in one job and it was OK.
I often find myself opening stuff up in NotePad++ or UltraEdit (my favorite text editor) and compiling in SQL*Plus. I tend to only use an IDE when things get really complicated, like I need to use a debugger. Most of the time I'm as productive in a plain text editor. I probably wouldn't recommend that approach to a newbie though.
At the end of the day, you will probably prefer what you use the most, or what you are forced to use by your corporate policy. :)
Received on Tue Jul 17 2012 - 18:36:42 CDT