Re: New metalink
Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2012 15:34:35 -0500 (CDT)
Message-ID: <>
Alan wrote:
> And to be honest the search functionality leaves much to be desired. It
> looks like they just replace spaces with % in a query. Obviously that
> returns results from 100 different products and versions that have nothing
> to do with what I want.
Hmmmm...the searching is one of the areas that I think has shown great improvement. Maybe I'm thinking of the pre-Flash version in comparison; I didn't use the Flash version much.
I like the ability to drill down into the Product Category on the left hand pane. Other than a very minor annoyance where my searches are almost always cluttered with "[DB Version] Patch Set - List of Bug Fixes by Problem Type" articles that can't seem to be filtered out, I like the search. I think they did a great job compared to the endless DEC RDB articles that used to clog the search results.
My $.02,
-- on Mon Jul 16 2012 - 15:34:35 CDT