Oy Vey - Grid Infrastructure Installation got me - twice...
From: Taylor, Chris David <ChrisDavid.Taylor_at_ingrambarge.com>
Date: Mon, 2 Jul 2012 15:31:24 -0500
Message-ID: <C5533BD628A9524496D63801704AE56D75B2BA0978_at_SPOBMEXC14.adprod.directory>
1.) Mounted the Media on RAC1 using: mount -t vboxsf -o umaskuid 1100=oracle
gid 1200= dba
PROBLEM: dba is secondary group and not primary - so when runInstaller creates the files for verification on each node, the files are created as ORACLE:DBA on node1, and ORACLE:OINSTALL on node2 causing the node verification to FAIL.
Date: Mon, 2 Jul 2012 15:31:24 -0500
Message-ID: <C5533BD628A9524496D63801704AE56D75B2BA0978_at_SPOBMEXC14.adprod.directory>
1.) Mounted the Media on RAC1 using: mount -t vboxsf -o umaskuid 1100=oracle
gid 1200= dba
PROBLEM: dba is secondary group and not primary - so when runInstaller creates the files for verification on each node, the files are created as ORACLE:DBA on node1, and ORACLE:OINSTALL on node2 causing the node verification to FAIL.
LESSON: don't mount media as secondary group, or only specifiy UID perhaps and leave off GID entirely.
2.) When Oracle installer asks for location of downloaded updates, it doesn't *really* want 'the' location of the downloaded updates, it wants the top most level which in this case is typically /home/oracle, instead of say /home/oracle/LatestUpdates, or say /home/oracle/LatestUpdates/shiphome.
Heh - and forward we go...
Chris Taylor
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-- http://www.freelists.org/webpage/oracle-lReceived on Mon Jul 02 2012 - 15:31:24 CDT