Re: How to screw up DBUA inadvertently.
Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2012 13:33:47 +0100
Message-ID: <>
Hi Norman,
I had the very same issue. I have a script that I use for cloning databases. Obviously it does a restart. Was surprised when it stopped working one day. Login.sql was the culprit so I now unset SQLPATH in the script before bouncing the db so it doesn't find login.sql. I guess if someone edits glogin.sql it could still catch me out.
On 21 Jun 2012 09:43, "Norman Dunbar" <> wrote:
> It was my own fault, but in case it proves even slightly useful....
> I was upgrading from 11202 to 11203 Enterprise using the DB Upgrade
> Assistant utility. When I said "go do it" it went off, chugged for a
> bit, then barfed. Told me that the database wasn't running. I checked,
> it was.
> Cutting a long story short, I checked the indicated logfile and
> discovered that it had connected to the database but then got a couple
> of errors telling it that "oracle not available". Hmm.
> Turns out that I'd added a couple of SQL statements to glogin.sql:
> alter session set nls_date_format = 'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss';
> Being one of them. This works perfectly while the database(s) are open
> but, if a database is shut, and you login as sysdba to start it, you
> still get glogin.sql executing, and because the database is down, the
> above SQL fails.
> DBUA picked up the failure and refused to carry on.
> Removing the SQL statement(s) from glogin fixed the problem.
> The moral to this tale is simple, don't put SQL in glogin.sql (or
> login.sql) if you ever shut down your databases!
> Cheers,
> Norm.
> --
> Norman Dunbar
> Dunbar IT Consultants Ltd
> Registered address:
> Thorpe House
> 61 Richardshaw Lane
> Pudsey
> West Yorkshire
> United Kingdom
> LS28 7EL
> Company Number: 05132767
> --
-- on Thu Jun 21 2012 - 07:33:47 CDT