RE: Oracle Virtualbox Networking Multiple VMS (question for advanced Virtualbox users)
Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2012 15:42:00 -0500
Message-ID: <>
Worked [almost] like a charm!
Here's the details for this particular piece if anyone is interested (or happens upon this in the future):
1.) Install VMWare Player which installs 2 Network Adapters VMnet1 (Host Adapter) and VMnet8 (NAT Adapter) on HOST PC
VMNet1 IP Adapter Address: VMNet8 IP Adapter Address:
2.) Make sure that "VMware Bridge Protocol" is checked for the VMnet8 Adapter properties. (Goto Network Adapters in Control Panel, Right Click the VMware Network Adapter VMnet8 and click 'Properties' and make sure the bridge protocol is checked)
3.) Enabling Bridge Protocol on the VMNet8 adapter had the side-effect of disabling HOSTS lookup on the HOST for GUEST DNS queries (meaning an NSLOOKUP from the Guest OS would only query the DNS server of the host and *NOT* query the hosts file). When using VMnet8 adapter as a NAT only, nslookup queries will use both the HOSTS file and the DNS server of the HOST OS.
To get around this limitation, I configured DUAL DHCP DNS SERVER from sourceforge ( ) Hat Tip to "achaldhir" for a fantastic product! For this particular product I only configured the DNS feature which runs on the HOST machine and passes DNS requests to the forwarding DNS server (domain DNS server) *OR* it looks up the alias in the local dualserver.ini file and then passes the address back to the guest.
4.) Configure your VMS:
Adapter1 = Bridged, Adapter=VMware Virtual Ethernet Adapter for VMnet8 Adapter2 = Host-Only Adapter, VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter
5.) Configure VirtualBox Host-Only Network IP Address Range under "File->Preferences->Network" (I made mine and will be the RAC PRIVATE addresses)
6.) On Guest OS
Configure eth0 with an ip address in the range (make sure this entry exists in the Dual Server DHCP DNS ini file) Configure eth1 with an ip address to match your host-only network configuration (I chose - see step 5 above)
7.) Restart networking on Guest vms and verify you can use nslookup for outside and internal host names (google, rac1, rac2 etc)
8.) verify connectivity between Guest Oss using both public/private IP addresses you configured.
I probably should write a more detailed how-to but don't have time at the moment. If I can get to it, I'll send out an update with the link detailing the complete steps.
Chris Taylor
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-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Lidh []
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2012 8:39 AM
To: Taylor, Chris David;
Subject: RE: Oracle Virtualbox Networking Multiple VMS (question for advanced Virtualbox users)
What I wound up doing was downloading and installing VMware Player. This will run host-only and NAT networks on your system. Then I bridged to VMware's NAT. This let me set my static IPs
Hope that helps,
-- on Wed Jun 20 2012 - 15:42:00 CDT