Re: Unexpected inline view behavior

From: Tanel Poder <>
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2012 23:51:56 +0300
Message-ID: <>

It's a bug - where a bugfix for bug 7597159, when combined with other transformations, has caused other bugs to show up :-) Try with the bugfix disabled - you should get a proper error then:

*alter session set "_fix_control"='7597159:off';*

In the optimizer trace (when it wrongly returns a result) you'd probably see this:

Count(col) to Count(*) (CNT)

CNT:     COUNT() to COUNT(*) not done.
SVM:     SVM bypassed: Single grp set fct (aggr) without group by.
*SLP: Removed select list item BAR from query block SEL$2* ...

SLP = Select List Pruning, but in this case it messes up the result...

Tanel Poder
Expert Oracle Exadata book:

On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 9:03 PM, Tornblad, John <>wrote:

> I had a very large query that was going off the rails in terms of
> performance and unexpected results. After dissection, I zeroed in on a
> flawed inline view, but it was flawed in a way that (a) looked like an
> error but did not raise an error when parsed and (b) worse, yielded an
> incorrect or at least unexpected result and caused havoc. I am assuming
> there is something I didn't know about what this inline view is doing,
> or how it is being parsed / reorganized (?)... but it's a mystery to me.
> Boiling it down...
Received on Tue Jun 12 2012 - 15:51:56 CDT

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