Re: inefficient sql

From: Martin Berger <>
Date: Fri, 1 Jun 2012 19:19:00 +0200
Message-ID: <>


I once started (in an pure OLTP system) to report all Statements which used TEMP to our developers.
After about the 2nd report they freaked and I was 'kindly asked' not to do these reports anymore.

Thinking about LIOs / statement is so much away from that ... you are a lucky man ;-)


On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 10:14 PM, Stephens, Chris <> wrote:
> I'm interested in creating a daily report to run in our development environments to spot inefficient SQL early in the process.
> I've already got one that lists top ten highest elapsed time and top ten most frequently executed.  They have helped tremendously in focusing on the right SQL.  However, there is often SQL here that makes its way into integration and production that could be improved upon. (Yes I know where SQL falls in the optimization hierarchy and am well aware that business tasks are what are important but these reports have proved their value over and over.)
> I'm pretty confident that a ratio of LIO's to rows returned by each row operation in an SQL execution plan is a good indicator of SQL efficiency.  I think I've heard this in a few different presentations.  I don't, however, recall what that ratio should be or if I'm misremembering completely.
> What do you all consider good indicators of inefficient SQL and how to you identify those statements?
> Thanks!
> Chris

Received on Fri Jun 01 2012 - 12:19:00 CDT

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