Re: SSD on temp or undo tablespace
Date: Wed, 23 May 2012 22:47:36 -0700
Message-ID: <>
If you're running Oracle Database 11g Release 2 on Solaris or Oracle Linux, you can use Database Smart Flash Cache to dynamically and transparently extend the Oracle Database buffer cache into flash. This will help address I/O bottlenecks in your storage array(s) without any changes to application code, queries / reports, or data layouts on disk. You can see more info here:
-Kevin J
On 5/23/12 7:27 PM, Mark W. Farnham wrote:
> Take care to understand that SSD covers several vintages of "flash" as well
> as other much faster storage technologies. I don't question Guy's numbers
> regarding a certain vintage of flash storage. But do not paint all SSD with
> that brush. Flash SSD is a kind of SSD. Not all SSD is Flash, and within the
> Flash category there are wide variances in write throughput.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> On Behalf Of Iotzov, Iordan
> Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2012 1:26 PM
> To: '';
> Subject: RE: SSD on temp or undo tablespace
> You should check this white paper by Guy Harrison -
> zing_Oracle_RDBMS_with_Solid_State_Disk-final.pdf .
> It is an excellent document with lots of empirical data.
> Iordan Iotzov
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> On Behalf Of Dba DBA
> Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2012 11:56 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: SSD on temp or undo tablespace
> does anyone use SSDs professionally? Projects with large budgets have large
> expenses, so you would need alot of SSDs. I would think they are still
> really expensive. I don't know how the professional grade SSDs compare to
> the professional grade hard drives in cost either. Can you plug these into a
> SAN?
> I would think this is too expensive to use. I also don't know how much it
> would help given that most anything that has any kind of volume is on some
> kind of networked storage and that has alot of features on top of the hard
> drives to help with performance.
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-- on Thu May 24 2012 - 00:47:36 CDT