Re: Active Oracle user group in Raleigh, North Carolina area?
Date: Thu, 17 May 2012 10:46:47 -0400
Message-ID: <>
Best of Breed Regional Oracle User Groups - I sure can! 1) RMOUG - Rocky Mountain Oracle User Group, Denver, Colorado. They have a two day training event every February plus quarterly 1 day events. They have hightly respected speakers from all over the world at this event. It is an event that I really love to attend. And I fly from Michigan to go to this event. The networking is second to none and the hospitality is outstanding. I self-fund this event because it is so worth while as a DBA and/or Developer.
2) Northern California Oracle Users Group - San Fransico Bay Area. This is one that I have not had an opportunity to attend yet as it would also be a self-funded event for me. Not only does this group put on quarterly events, they also sponsor special training events. Last year, James Morle did a 2 day Seminar on Storage. NoCOUG had to find a bigger venue because of the great response for this seminar.
3) NEOOUG - This group in Ohio has great training events. They just had a 2 day training event earlier this week in Cleveland - and yes, Cleveland is no longer the "Mistake on the Lake". Cleveland is actually a decent place. They also have quarterly meetings. Cary Millsap did one of his full day seminars right after the event. So the speaker selection is outstanding!
4) New York has a great Oracle User group and has events more often than quarterly. The list of speakers that they have at their events are quite outstanding.
5) HOTSOS Symposium - if you are a performance analyst, this is a 3 day training event that is not to be missed. Although it is not a User Group that puts on this event, it is still the premier performance event in the US. And at the end of the event, one highly respected speaker will have a separate 1 day training event. This symposium is in the greater Dallas area and is every March.
These are some of my favorites and ones that I highly recommend.
Carol Dacko
University of Michigan
On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 6:02 AM, dnrg <> wrote:
> Thanks Chris, I think. :-) That group doesn't seem to be active. If it is
> I haven't heard of any meeting announcements lately.
> Of folks here who participate in local or regional Oracle User Group
> events:
> -- How valuable do you find them to be versus Internet resources like
> Oracle-L or annual Oracle conferences?
> -- How frequently does your group meet and is it as frequent as you like?
> What's optimal?
> -- What formats do you find to be most effective / worthwhile? Straight up
> presentations? Roundtable discussions? Interactive workshops?
> -- What type of content do you not see that you'd like to see at these
> types of events?
> -- Given "Oracle" represents such a large universe of potential topics and
> content, is it better to have a user group that addresses broad or narrow
> interests?
> -- Can anyone name a few local or regional Oracle User Groups that are
> Best of Breed? Would be interesting to see what these groups do and what
> makes them successful.
> -- What makes Oracle User Groups succeed or fail generally besides the
> obvious? (general lack of interest or insufficient # of local Oracle
> practitioners). With the Research Triangle Park here in North Carolina I
> suspect there are enough practitioners to support an active and productive
> group.
> And anything anyone else would like to add of course.
> Dana
> ________________________________
> From: "Taylor, Chris David" <>
> To: "''" <>; 'oracle-l' <
> Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2012 3:24 PM
> Subject: RE: Active Oracle user group in Raleigh, North Carolina area?
> Hmmmmmm
> Region RUG/User Group Name RUG Liaison
> "SOUTHEAST North Carolina Oracle Users Group Donald Burleson"
> Dana - perhaps you should start one after all.....
> Chris Taylor
> "Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of intelligent
> effort."
> -- John Ruskin (English Writer 1819-1900)
> Any views and/or opinions expressed herein are my own and do not
> necessarily reflect the views of Ingram Industries, its affiliates, its
> subsidiaries or its employees.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> On Behalf Of dnrg
> Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2012 2:13 PM
> To: oracle-l
> Subject: Active Oracle user group in Raleigh, North Carolina area?
> Is there an active Oracle user group in the Raleigh, NC area? Seems there
> used to be. Asked my local Oracle rep and he didn't know of one. Would
> rather join an existing group. But I'm potentially open to helping organize
> a new one (lots of work if done right).
> Thanks.
> Dana
> --
> --
> --
-- on Thu May 17 2012 - 09:46:47 CDT