Re: Increasing row retrieving speed via net8
From: rjamya <>
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2012 12:24:28 -0400
Message-ID: <>
informatica ... that reminds me of my previous job at a big big FI. One day i was contacted by lead developer on complaining about a data load job taking too long. It was taking about of 20 minutes to load about 2k rows from flat files and it was informatica job. Didnt know much about informatica, I traced it, and I kid you not, I had 67 trace files for 67 different sessions to load 2k rows. After i mentioned that did something in etl settings and process worked as expected, it seems they had only one configuration setting irrespective of size of data load. May the force be with you.
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2012 12:24:28 -0400
Message-ID: <>
informatica ... that reminds me of my previous job at a big big FI. One day i was contacted by lead developer on complaining about a data load job taking too long. It was taking about of 20 minutes to load about 2k rows from flat files and it was informatica job. Didnt know much about informatica, I traced it, and I kid you not, I had 67 trace files for 67 different sessions to load 2k rows. After i mentioned that did something in etl settings and process worked as expected, it seems they had only one configuration setting irrespective of size of data load. May the force be with you.
On Fri, Apr 13, 2012 at 12:02 PM, GG <> wrote:
> so only 5% of work time socket was read and most of the time threads was
> fighting each other in somekind of concurency issue :) or feature .
-- on Fri Apr 13 2012 - 11:24:28 CDT