Re: 11.201 to 11.202 in-place upgrade

From: Guillermo Alan Bort <>
Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2012 14:42:08 -0300
Message-ID: <>

If I may be so bold as to suggest you upgrade straight to There's a nasty bug with and ASM and RAC that causes all the processes of the ASM instance to be consumed and if the DB instance goes down you need to restart the entire CRS stack of the node. If you have more than one database in the same cluster and more than one instance sharing any single node then this will bite you. There are one off patches but they are not included in any of the bundled patches AFAIK. Also, as mentioned before, starting with 11.2 you need to do out of place upgrades. One Off and CPUs can be applied in existing homes, but patchests and newer versions need a new home.


Received on Thu Apr 05 2012 - 12:42:08 CDT

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