Re: switch DG to 64bit with no downtime?

From: kathryn axelrod <>
Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2012 10:56:46 -0700
Message-ID: <>

Martin -
I hadn't even thought of old-fashioned replication. It had kind of fallen into the 'replaced by Streams...replaced by GoldenGate' frame of mind. I'm so glad you mentioned it!

Ilmar -
That's a good point - it does specify downstream capture. I'll look into a source capture option as well.

Craig -
I love the idea. You are right though..I'm thinking that could get quite messy quite quickly - at which point - even with downtime, the basic utlirp is a much better option.

Thank you all!! This gives me a lot to go on..

On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 10:15 AM, Martin Berger <> wrote:
> I would search for any kind of logical replication.
> As Streams does not work in your setup, maybe the good old replication
> will work?
> I've set it up in Version 9 some years ago and as far as I remember
> there where no limitations about the 2 databases involved. It's even
> working across different Versions - and no additional $ needed.
>  Also GoldenGate comes to my mind - but as I never tested it, I can't
> tell anything about it.
> hth
>  Martin

Received on Mon Mar 26 2012 - 12:56:46 CDT

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