Re: RAC partitioning question

From: Marcin Przepiorowski <>
Date: Wed, 1 Feb 2012 09:15:32 +0000
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 9:19 PM, Walker, Jed S <> wrote:
> Thanks again everyone for the ideas. I tried to push for changing the column but the application uses that instead of timestamp, well, I won't get into it, bad design is bad design eh?


One more remark about global indexes and partition drop - yet it is possible online but you will "pay" for it. When Oracle is busy with dropping your partition and updating global index and application is doing inserts your index will growing faster during that activity. Next thing to remember is that Oracle is reading index block related to every dropped row in partition so dropping partition is not a cost less operation anymore.

After partition drop you should add index maintenance task to your schedule - coalesce is fine for most of cases but if you are dropping lot of rows you can end up with index rebuild as well. I create simple test case here - . In real life I got a index which was 10 x bigger that is should after 1 year of dropping daily partitions.

Marcin Przepiorowski
Received on Wed Feb 01 2012 - 03:15:32 CST

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