Re: Long term AWR retention
Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2011 11:38:28 -0600
Message-ID: <>
Sorry, I am late to this discussion. I see that Kerry's blog post was from Jan 2010.
So the max retention is 100 years. Kerry "knows a guy" who did 7 years. What is the real downside to setting retention to something, like, 10 years? Has anyone collected metrics on that? Surely at some point performance will be negatively impacted, but is it noticeable?
7 days... sheesh.
On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 08:22, Kerry Osborne <>wrote:
> I am not aware of any issues with long retention times either. I have
> worked (am working) with several systems that have over a year retention
> with 1 hour or half hour snapshot frequency. And I know if a guy that has
> plans to never purge and AWR data (I think his retention period is 7
> years). Anyway, I did a blog post about reasons for having a very long
> retention period (one being having a permanent record of parameter changes)
> here:
> was some pretty good discussion on the issue and Doug Burns followed
> up with a post pointing out that there was a built in script for estimating
> sizing of AWR data. I personally think long retention times should be
> implemented (45 days at an absolute minimum 13 months more reasonable). The
> 7 day default is frustratingly short.
> Kerry Osborne
> Enkitec
> blog:
> On Jun 24, 2010, at 10:44 PM, Allen, Brandon wrote:
> I ran a system with AWR snapshots at 15 minute intervals and 45 day
> retention for a couple years and never noticed any problems.****
> ** **
> Regards,****
> Brandon****
> ** **
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-- Charles Schultz -- on Thu Nov 10 2011 - 11:38:28 CST