From: Denise Gwinn <>
Date: Wed, 09 Nov 2011 20:31:43 -0500
Message-ID: <>

I should explain that we have been manually backing up the database files including the archive logs. There's around two months of logs sitting out there which I don't think rman knows about. I'm hoping to get this automated since our backing up of the files seems to not be in synch with the deletions.

Denise Gwinn
DBA WVNET On 11/9/2011 8:14 PM, Guillermo Alan Bort wrote:
> do the logs physically exist? how about a "backup archivelog <...>
> delete input? I'm not sure that would clean the view up.
> cheers
> Alan.-

Received on Wed Nov 09 2011 - 19:31:43 CST

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