Re: Question regarding Grid Control Automatic SQL Tuning

From: Jeffrey Beckstrom <>
Date: Fri, 14 Oct 2011 09:29:05 -0400
Message-Id: <>

Looking at dba_advisor_findings I see the below. So where is this task??? Looking for something called EXEC_61% for an execution name in this table finds nothing.  

select * from sys.dba_advisor_findings where message like '%6172%';  

OWNER                             TASK_ID TASK_NAME                             
------------------------------ ---------- ------------------------------        
EXECUTION_NAME                 FINDING_ID                                       
------------------------------ ----------                                       
TYPE           TYPE_ID     PARENT  OBJECT_ID                                    
----------- ---------- ---------- ----------                                    
F      FLAGS                                                                    
- ----------                                                                    
SYS                                 11482 SYS_AUTO_SQL_TUNING_TASK              
EXEC_6692                           33354                                       
normal, successful completion                                                   
INFORMATION          4          0      34938                                    
This statement was skipped because it has already been tuned recently.  See task
 execution "EXEC_6172" for the most recent tuning results.                      
N          1                                                                    

>>> Jeffrey Beckstrom 10/14/11 8:58 AM >>>
In Grid Control, looking at "Automatic SQL Tuning Result Details". I click on sql_id and then the Advisor Task Name, under findings it states:  

This statement was skipped because it has already been tuned recently. See task execution "EXEC_6172" for the most recent tuning results.  

Does this mean that the system automatically did something and if so what?      

Jeffrey Beckstrom
Database Administrator
Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority Information Systems
1240 W. 6th Street
Cleveland, Ohio 44113

Received on Fri Oct 14 2011 - 08:29:05 CDT

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