Re: OOW presentation downloads
Date: Tue, 11 Oct 2011 13:02:01 -0700
Message-ID: <>
OOW presentations are publicly (no registration required) available now from:
IMHO knowledge is best shared - so help do your part to raise someone's level - point them to something interesting.
On Tue, Oct 11, 2011 at 11:24 AM, Herring Dave - dherri
<> wrote:
> I'm sure this comes up every year, but since it's my first time in about 15 yrs for attending OOW, I'm hoping you'll be easy on me.
> Does anyone know if there are limitations on us sharing OOW presentations? I've been to other conferences where materials could NOT be shared beyond those who registered so I've assumed the same rule applies here, but I can't find anything that addresses this. I've got a lot of DBAs who'd like to see these materials (they probably think the parameter "_make_it_fast=TRUE" is finally available and hidden in some doc) but I've held up until I can confirm this.
-- Regards, Greg Rahn -- on Tue Oct 11 2011 - 15:02:01 CDT