RE: SOA Request

From: Michael Dinh <mdinh_at_XIFIN.Com>
Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2011 14:46:54 -0700
Message-ID: <>

Does this help?

Michael Dinh

Disparity Breaks Automation (DBA)
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-----Original Message-----

From: [] On Behalf Of Niall Litchfield Sent: Monday, September 26, 2011 2:35 PM To: ORACLE-L
Subject: SOA Request

repeat of a twitter request I made, but in a few more characters!. I'm looking for a diagram of all the fusion middleware versions from (?) to - back when we were at there was a guide, now its apparently gone from


Niall Litchfield
Oracle DBA

-- Received on Mon Sep 26 2011 - 16:46:54 CDT

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