Re: for those who don't read my blog (tsk tsk!)
From: David Fitzjarrell <>
Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2011 16:38:21 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>
I certified way back when the first requirement was to have at least 5 years of� progressive experience in the field and the goal was to validate the knowledge gained by experience, hence the title 'Oracle Certified Professional'.� I stopped when it became a cash-cow for Oracle and anyone, experienced or not, could acquire and proudly display the Oracle Certified Professional� logo.� Not that it hasn't helped my career, but�the process�has�gone from useful to useless;� Oracle has tried to salvage the program by instituting the Oracle Certified Master�designation requiring hands-on experience (and, gee, isn't that how this whole program began, requiring hands-on experience?)
I have interviewed many DBA candidates and regularly dismiss the experience-less OCPs primarily because they lack in knowledge outside of the OCP study materials.� To be fair I also tend to dismiss any DBA who can't code a command in SQL*Plus to add a datafile to a tablespace or perform any of a number� of other management tasks absent a GUI.
I�agree that the time taken to study for these exams is worthwhile as it can, and often will, reveal holes in the fabric of one's Oracle knowledge gained through experience.� What I do disagree with is the notion that passing the exams, absent real-world� Oracle experience, creates a knowledgeable and reliable DBA as I haven't found that to be true.� David Fitzjarrell
Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2011 16:38:21 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>
I certified way back when the first requirement was to have at least 5 years of� progressive experience in the field and the goal was to validate the knowledge gained by experience, hence the title 'Oracle Certified Professional'.� I stopped when it became a cash-cow for Oracle and anyone, experienced or not, could acquire and proudly display the Oracle Certified Professional� logo.� Not that it hasn't helped my career, but�the process�has�gone from useful to useless;� Oracle has tried to salvage the program by instituting the Oracle Certified Master�designation requiring hands-on experience (and, gee, isn't that how this whole program began, requiring hands-on experience?)
I have interviewed many DBA candidates and regularly dismiss the experience-less OCPs primarily because they lack in knowledge outside of the OCP study materials.� To be fair I also tend to dismiss any DBA who can't code a command in SQL*Plus to add a datafile to a tablespace or perform any of a number� of other management tasks absent a GUI.
I�agree that the time taken to study for these exams is worthwhile as it can, and often will, reveal holes in the fabric of one's Oracle knowledge gained through experience.� What I do disagree with is the notion that passing the exams, absent real-world� Oracle experience, creates a knowledgeable and reliable DBA as I haven't found that to be true.� David Fitzjarrell
-- on Tue Sep 13 2011 - 18:38:21 CDT