Re: for those who don't read my blog (tsk tsk!)

From: Rich Jesse <>
Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2011 10:14:47 -0500 (CDT)
Message-ID: <>

Niall writes:

> I'm reproducing a short entry I wrote at the behest of Oracle below. I, and
> I'm sure others, have been known to whinge from time to time about the OCP.
> *Take the Oracle DBA Job Task Survey!...*

I find it very interesting that almost a third of respondents think that DBCA is "critical". Perhaps larger organizations use its templates to keep Jr. DBAs from messing up DB creates, but I think I'd rather have them mess one up so they can learn from it than being a "Click OK" Monkey. I'm probably reading too much into that, but I fail to see DBCA as a critical tool.

Good survey. Thanks for the pointer Niall!


Received on Mon Sep 12 2011 - 10:14:47 CDT

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