RAC 11gR1 changing control files

From: CRISLER, JON A <JC1706_at_att.com>
Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2011 20:23:40 +0000
Message-ID: <9F15274DDC89C24387BE933E68BE3FD30D2826_at_MISOUT7MSGUSR9D.ITServices.sbc.com>

I ran into a situation where we have 5 control files, and one of these control files is going into a ASM diskgroup used for online redo logs. We are also using a storage snapshot product (NetApp Snapshot Manager for Oracle). Normally the product would not get a snapshot on a volume that only has redo, but since it has a control file on it, we are then forced to track snapshots for redo, which is very expensive in resources. The fix is to drop the control file from that ASM diskgroup.

Which brings me to my question: can I change the control_file parameter to omit that specific control file (I will still have 4 other copies) and bounce the instances in a rolling fashion? Or do all instances have to be shutdown so that the control file parameter is always consistent ?

Received on Tue Sep 06 2011 - 15:23:40 CDT

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