Re: Oracle DR Solution

From: Sanjay Mishra <>
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2011 10:30:36 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>

Yes this is truly good point to use Storage solution when we need to replicate Apps to DR. I am trying to see as what is recommended or used in major environment as like we are using Dataguard or Storage Based solution  for Databases.  Any pros and cons of comparsion. Also it is true that the environment is 11g R2 and same OS and Db version on both side  as well as Server configuration to make it true DR to support all primary Load on DR.

Never used or worked much with Storage based DR for Database and so trying to look for some comparision.


From: "Chitale, Hemant Krishnarao" <> To: Sanjay Mishra <> Cc:
Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2011 11:19 PM Subject: RE: Oracle DR Solution

Each storage vendor does provide documentation on DR implementation via Storage Replication.  
For example :  Hitachi TrueCopy :
DataGuard is Oracle Database Specific.
If you need to provide DR support for Application Servers (and who doesn’t ??),  Input (Loader) files, Output (logs, reports etc)   you would still look at Storage Based Replication.  
Hemant K Chitale

From:Sanjay Mishra [] Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2011 11:48 PM To: Chitale, Hemant Krishnarao; mdinh_at_XIFIN.Com Cc:
Subject: Re: Oracle DR Solution
I am not much familiar with actual way the storage replication works. Surely want to see what is benefit of Storage based replication and how we are synching it to come close to realtime. Requirement is to have least downtime in case of site loss and my mistake earlier to say No downtime.  
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