Re: Backups failing
Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2011 12:26:08 +0100
Message-ID: <>
I've done all steps. Agent is running and ready and dbconsole is running, but I continue with the same issue. I've done a manual backup, and I don't see writing files in output backup dir.
Some suggestion?
Thanks beforehand.
2011/8/29 Oliver <>
> When I do "emctl upload agent" step, it shows:
> EMD upload error: uploadXMLFiles skipped :: OMS version not checked yet..
> Jus the error of that page ...
> 2011/8/29 Oliver <>
>> Yes, I did crosscheck in rman ...
>> I'm going to do the steps of:
>> Is it ok?
>> Thanks beforehand.
>> 2011/8/29 Pavel <>
>>> Hi
>>> Did you crosscheck after delete some backups? Clear state don't remove
>>> created jobs.
>>> Regards,
>>> Pavel.
>>> 2011/8/29 Oliver <>
>>>> Thanks, but I'm sorry, I'm a newbie, the dba is on vacation and I have
>>>> to look it because I'm the person with more knowledges of Oracle.
>>>> I've tried stop and start agent/dbconsole but it is failing again. I
>>>> understand your commands, except remove all uploaded files :-?
>>>> Clear state or remove uploads files remove created jobs?
>>>> Ah, one thing, I think that it started to fail when it surpassed the
>>>> flash recovery quota. I had 300GB, and it had 330GB written, in destination
>>>> of backup dir. I deleted some backups and I will increase to 500GB the flash
>>>> recovery quota (I've not restarted database, is it necessary?)
>>>> Thanks beforehand.
>>>> 2011/8/29 Pavel <>
>>>>> Hi
>>>>> Could you try these one:
>>>>> Issue emctl stop agent, emctl clear state agent, emctl start agent.
>>>>> And I think remove all uploads files.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Pavel.
>>>>> 2011/8/29 Oliver <>
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> backups of EM are failing suddenly. It shows "Initialization failure"
>>>>>> in status and error log shows "Step aborted because agent went down". The
>>>>>> error comes after many hours, I see that it doesn't write nothing in the
>>>>>> oputut dir of the backup.
>>>>>> If I do "$ tail -f emagent.trc", it shows some warns and the errors:
>>>>>> 2011-08-29 09:43:25 Thread-4136277696 ERROR TargetManager: TIMEOUT
>>>>>> when compute dynamic properties for target ora10g.localhost.localdomain
>>>>>> 2011-08-29 09:43:25 Thread-4136277696 ERROR TargetManager: target
>>>>>> {ora10g.localhost.localdomain, oracle_database} is broken: cannot compute
>>>>>> dynamic properties in time.
>>>>>> 2011-08-29 09:43:25 Thread-4136277696 WARN collector: the column
>>>>>> name DiskActivityavwait in this condition does not exist
>>>>>> 2011-08-29 09:43:25 Thread-4119632784 ERROR upload: Error in
>>>>>> uploadXMLFiles. Trying again in 60.00 seconds.
>>>>>> It is on Linux. Someone can help me?
>>>>>> Thanks beforehand.
>>>>>> Cheers...
-- on Mon Aug 29 2011 - 06:26:08 CDT