Re: Oracle on AIX for Power
Date: Fri, 26 Aug 2011 17:09:38 +0000
Message-ID: <W779931207723741314378578_at_webmail33>
Just based on my own personal observations visiting several different IT shops every year, I'd guess that AIX represents at least 15-20% of Oracle RDBMS market share. My last two customers (i.e. my two main customers for this current year) are AIX on Power64, for example. Can't quote that percentage with any authority, but suffice to say that AIX is a big port for Oracle, and always has been.
And the reverse is true: IBM has long recognized that the Oracle RDBMS pushes a lot of their iron, and has been a good partner to Oracle, even though they also compete with DB2/UDB. Let's just say that the DB2 folks often resent the IBM hardware sales folks, because the hardware folks are often bigger fans of Oracle than DB2, because Oracle sells more servers.
What's even more strange is that DB2 runs on Solaris, so IBM and Oracle have a curious intertwined relationship that kind of makes one blush, if you think about it biologically... :-)
Hope this helps...
-----Original Message-----
From: Patrice sur GMail []
Sent: Friday, August 26, 2011 10:52 AM
Subject: Oracle on AIX for Power
I am wondering how often Oracle is run on that platform.
Wouldn't Oracle mostly be written first for linux / solaris / win32, then ported to the other platforms?
Received on Fri Aug 26 2011 - 12:09:38 CDT