Re: EMC, NetWorker Module for Oracle : Backup STrategy

From: saurabh manroy <>
Date: Mon, 22 Aug 2011 10:42:30 +0200
Message-ID: <>


When you configure retention policy to None, this would keep all backups in the RMAN catalog as available (non-obsolete). Configuring retention policy in the backup server (EMC) would make sure that backup files are deleted according to retention policy of EMC networker backup.
That means, you have to run crosscheck command (followed by delete expired) to get RMAN catalog and the EMC networker in Sync.

I had similar setup, where in Symantec Netbackup used to trigger RMAN backups and retention policy was defined within the netbackup policy. For better control, I changed it to the following:

a.) Use Oracle Scheduler to trigger RMAN backups. b.) Define retention policy in RMAN and put delete obsolete command in the generic backup script. (The retention window on Netbackup server > retention window defined in RMAN) .
c.) Avoids running crosscheck command time and again.

Saurabh Manroy

On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 10:18 AM, mek s <>wrote:

> Hi all,
> We are in the phase of implementing EMC Networker backup for Oracle 11g
> realease 2. The idea is to backup the Fast Recover Area (FRA) to the tape
> every day.
> In order to synchronize Tape catalog with the RMAN catalog; we are thinking
> to disable the RMAN retention policy and use the Tape Catalog. Which means;
> we want to use only the NetWorker server policy, and thus disable the Oracle
> retention policy with the following command:
> *configure retention policy to none*;
> I believe by using this, every time we backup to tape we hav**e to
> crosscheck backup and delete obsolete from the tape, but, by doing this, How
> the Networker will delete the files and know which files are oboslete from
> the Oracle Catalog?
> I would like to understand this phase.
> Thank you,
> S

Received on Mon Aug 22 2011 - 03:42:30 CDT

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