RE: Hi again
Date: Thu, 18 Aug 2011 11:41:35 -0400
Message-ID: <011501cc5dbd$50382280$f0a86780$>
It seems you've gotten good advice on the encryption.
One side issue: You mention a "primary site" plus one physical standby.
Since this is a new project, the time is right to consider the systems being symmetric with a reasonably frequent planned switchover, including "close to the database servers" application servers at both sites.
If your intent is merely data recovery in the event of a site or regional disaster, that may be overkill, since it is quite possible to test data recovery without doing a switch or re-instantiation.
But if your intent is business continuation, such as for a global operation, then you really do want switching the live site location to be a practiced and well understood process from network locations of the intranet and internet access points all the way through database access. And don't forget duplication of any monitoring and notification workstations.
Once a week or once a month might be enough to keep you in practice, as long as you also do a pair of swaps under routine conditions when there is a software release or equipment change.
Finding out that you missed the implication of a software or hardware change when the "primary" site is in flames or a dusty crater is not good timing. Finding out that a switch won't work when you really don't have to go through with the switch is a much better plan.
When a project is new, there is much less cost to putting this policy in effect and it is natural to provision the sites equally. If management then judges that business continuation assurance is not worth the ongoing cost, then at least it is done with eyes wide open and a clear understanding that being able to get nearly all the data restored is very different from being able to continue business operations.
-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Robertson Lee - lerobe
Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2011 11:01 AM
Subject: RE: Hi again
To confirm, this will be on 11g r2
And many thanks for those who have replied thus far
-----Original Message-----
From: Robertson Lee - lerobe
Sent: 18 August 2011 13:58
Subject: Hi again
Hi Guys,
I haven't been around for a while but have been given a new project to set up and I thought I would ask all you good folks on here for some guidance. :-)
Basically, what I need to do (or at least investigate initially), is to set up a DataGuard configuration, Primary plus one Physical Standby and while the data within the database itself is not to be encrypted, they have asked if encrypted redo transporting is an option.
Never done anything like this before (lucky me eh?) so if anyone could offer suggestions/white papers/idiot guides etc I would be most grateful
I have seen various docs showing me how to set up the actual data guard piece which seems fairly straightforward, I guess its more the encryption piece I cannot really nail down through Google etc....
I assume, if it is possible it is going to need Advanced Security Option installing ?
Oracle 10gr2 (or possibly 11g, waiting to find out for definite) on RHEL. V 5.2 Cheers
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Received on Thu Aug 18 2011 - 10:41:35 CDT