RE: Source Control for DB objects
Date: Fri, 5 Aug 2011 15:42:05 +0000
Message-ID: <6D9F00643B733E489E419CB485C966270DED91_at_IRVMBX01.innout.corp>
What about this scenario.
Say user A is working on a package and then user B needs to finish working on the package where A left off. Is the only way user B can get user A's changes is if he commits/ check in his changes? But it is not in production yet so how can I tell what version is in production. Currently I only have my developers check in their source when it has been moved to production, that way it is very easy for me to tell what is in production. Thanks
Jeff | Database Administrator
-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Dunbar, Norman (Capgemini)
Sent: Friday, August 05, 2011 6:52 AM
Subject: RE: Source Control for DB objects
>> Norm's given a good comprehensive reply,
>> with subversion you
>> don't take any kind of lock when you checkout.
This is indeed the case. One of the tenets of Subversion is to completely avoid locking files.
>> My understanding of it is that a checkout is really just a download
>> of a given version of the files to your machine.
Yes. When you checkout a file/folder/tree/project, you are downloading a copy of everything that you requested as of a particular point in time - that point being the most recent commit (to that project).
>> There is a separate operation to take a lock on file(s), but this is
>> explicit.
It is explicit and I've never had to use it.
One other thing I really should mention, NEVER EVER rm a file or folder under version control. Use the Subversion tools to do so. Ditto for renaming a file.
You can get your working folder into all sorts of trouble if you do so plus, a commit or update may break.
I've had to sort out a couple that other people did when they removed a folder then recreated it with the same name. It is not the same *object* as the one in the repository. Grief all round!
Norman Dunbar
Contract Senior Oracle DBA
Capgemini Database Team (EA)
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-- -- on Fri Aug 05 2011 - 10:42:05 CDT