Re: faster way to create XML export

From: Jeremy Schneider <>
Date: Tue, 2 Aug 2011 22:20:51 -0500
Message-ID: <>

FYI, stumbled accross metalink note 1299242.1 which made one suggestion - just using the LOB interface to manipulate the top few lines in the LOB. (In 11gR1 you can use a stylesheet transformation - but this isn't available in 10gR2.) Not as clean as I'd hoped for, but it should work. If anyone has any better ideas, please share!


On Tue, Aug 2, 2011 at 8:27 PM, Jeremy Schneider <> wrote:

> Any idea how to add the XSLT header with XMLGEN, similar to java
> xmlQuery.setStylesheetHeader()? We can't figure it out.
> We need output like this at the top of the file:
> <?xml-stylesheet href="http://some_xml.xslt" type="text/xsl"?>
> -J
> On Tue, Aug 2, 2011 at 8:10 PM, Marco Gralike <>wrote:
>> Ah, I see you have found it :-) (the C bit contra Java wrapper bit)
>> From: Jeremy Schneider <>
>> Date: Wed, 3 Aug 2011 02:43:36 +0200
>> To: Marco Gralike <>
>> Cc: Oracle-L <>
>> Subject: Re: faster way to create XML export
>> We just finished a test run with DBMS_XMLGEN on the same dataset -- it
>> finished in 2 sec. Still used dbms_xslprocessor.clob2file for filewriting.
>> Looks like this will do most everything I mentioned - just working on the
>> last step now, getting the XSLT headers. (Seems to be a function for this
>> but it's not well documented and didn't seem to work on our first try...)
>> Also, I noticed something in the oracle docs here:
>> "Note: For increased performance, consider using DBMS_XMLGen and
>> DBMS_XMLStore as alternatives to DBMS_XMLQuery and DBMS_XMLSave. The former
>> packages are written in C and are built in to the database kernel. You can
>> also use SQL/XML functions such as XML_Element for XML access in the
>> database."
>> No kidding - way faster! Wish I'd seen this before! :)
>> -Jeremy
>> On Tue, Aug 2, 2011 at 6:34 PM, Jeremy Schneider <
>>> wrote:
>>> Oh yeah, we also tested with the DBMS_XMLQuery package - it seemed to
>>> take about as long as the Oracle Serializer java code.
>>> On Tue, Aug 2, 2011 at 6:19 PM, Jeremy Schneider <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Well we're not making any 1GB files yet, but I can't really imagine what
>>>> anyone does with a 400MB file either. Anyway - we were doing some testing
>>>> with a much smaller "test" dataset (8MB file), and we tried Marco's idea.
>>>> Here are the results:
>>>> Original Code: 96 sec
>>>> Oracle Serializer: 40 sec
>>>> Marco's Code: 3 sec
>>>> :)
>>>> Sweet! However, it seems that there's an implicit conversion from
>>>> XMLType to CLOB and it's not immediately obvious how to control the XML
>>>> that's generated. I guess it's time for me to learn some more about XMLDB.
>>>> :-/ Here's what we're trying to figure out how to do with XMLType:
>>>> - xmlQuery.keepCursorState(true);
>>>> - xmlQuery.setMaxRows(pRowLimit_variable); // Note: we continue with
>>>> cursor and split output to multiple files
>>>> - xmlQuery.setRowTag(pRowHeader_variable);
>>>> - xmlQuery.setRowsetTag(pRowHeader_variable+"_MYSUFFIX");
>>>> - xmlQuery.setDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss");
>>>> - xmlQuery.setStylesheetHeader(pXSLtURI_variable);
>>>> Any tips would be appreciated...
>>>> -J
>>>> PS - this blog post by Marco is excellent:
>>>> On Tue, Aug 2, 2011 at 4:41 PM, Marco Gralike <>wrote:
>>>>> ONE 1++GB in XML document, are you serious.
>>>>> Wouldn't be surprised though. I see it more and more often. ;-)
>>>>> No the stuff showed below is in C and/or even part of the C kernel. It
>>>>> is possible to do in SQL and yes due to the fact that it is 1 XML document
>>>>> you will get in trouble regarding those mentioned sizes per XML document. I
>>>>> am guessing, although never really checked that if you switched it again for
>>>>> a C based SAV serializer it would be even faster or does it reside in the
>>>>> JVM database kernel?
>>>>> I wonder which part picks up those big XML documents and tries to do
>>>>> something useful with it. Work to be done with those documents afterwards
>>>>> most be very resource intensive ;-)
> --
> +1 312-725-9249
> Jeremy Schneider
> Chicago

+1 312-725-9249

Jeremy Schneider

Received on Tue Aug 02 2011 - 22:20:51 CDT

Original text of this message