RE: Question for Dataguard users

From: Storey, Robert (DCSO) <"Storey,>
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2011 15:20:01 -0500
Message-ID: <>

Excellent approach. Not sure if it will work for me since our department does not have any control over out network. We (the IT shop) have to work through the city IT shop to get anything network wise done. Still doable, just adds a layer of futzing to the issue.  

So what do you put in the HOST field of the tnsnames? So, you have a database on host ABC that has a database of DB01. You create a DNS entry called DB01 that points to host ABC? So, in the HOST field do of tnsnames you would put DB01?  


From: [] On Behalf Of Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2011 3:06 PM
To: oracle-l-freelists
Subject: Re: Question for Dataguard users  


We handle that via DNS aliases. We never use the actual hostname in any TNSNames.ora file or JDBC or other connect string. We have our Sys Admins add a DNS alias for every database on a server. It's exactly the same as the Service_Name for the database. We may have several Service_Names per actual database. There is a DNS alias for each of those Service_Names on the host server. That allows us to start a new Vendor App as a schema in an existing database (with its own Service_Name and host DNS alias) and see if it comes to eventually need its own database. If so, or we just want to move the schema, we move the Service_Name and DNS alias to the new DB and server and all connect strings continue to work.

The same thing works for Switchovers / Failovers to Standbys from Primarys. When we do a Switch / Failover, we just prep the DBs, have the Sys Admins switch the DNS aliases. Then all Clients can reconnect to the new Primary. No muss, no fuss. Works great.

Jack C. Applewhite - Database Administrator Austin I.S.D. - MIS Department
512.414.9250 (wk) / 512.935.5929 (pager)

From:        "Storey, Robert (DCSO)" <> 
To:        oracle-l-freelists <> 
Date:        07/27/2011 12:44 PM 
Subject:        Question for Dataguard users 
Sent by: 


Okay, have a question for the dataguard users. Probably more for the non-RAC folks than anything.   

My setup is a primary and a single physical standby.   

In the event of a switchover, all user connections are broken and the switch occurs. Then users have to reconnect.   

But, I’m looking for the best way to structure the TNSNAMES file. I’m probably over thinking this, but, there has to be a way to create both entries for both servers in the file, but only have them use the production one. Something tickles my brain from way back that it will run the TNS list in order looking for a connection.   

Just curious how others have set up their files.   


Received on Wed Jul 27 2011 - 15:20:01 CDT

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