RE: Question for Dataguard users
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2011 14:10:53 -0400
Message-ID: <B38858412AFF9F4098331DE549A77449062CC6F7D4_at_EX7T2-SV05.TDBFG.COM>
One setup that worked for me when I played with it (we decided to eventually go with a network based switch method for other reasons [like jdbc can't parse those sorts of connections strings]) was something like this:
(SERVICE_NAME=db_service_name) (FAILOVER_MODE=
With load_balance=off the connect attempts to access he db via the first entry and makes 20 attempts with a 15 second delay between attempts then tries the next entry in sequential order. Worked fine with the standard oci client but your mileage may vary on your environment.
From: [] On Behalf Of Storey, Robert (DCSO) Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2011 1:43 PM
To: oracle-l-freelists
Subject: Question for Dataguard users
Okay, have a question for the dataguard users. Probably more for the non-RAC folks than anything.
My setup is a primary and a single physical standby.
In the event of a switchover, all user connections are broken and the switch occurs. Then users have to reconnect.
But, I'm looking for the best way to structure the TNSNAMES file. I'm probably over thinking this, but, there has to be a way to create both entries for both servers in the file, but only have them use the production one. Something tickles my brain from way back that it will run the TNS list in order looking for a connection.
Just curious how others have set up their files.
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-- on Wed Jul 27 2011 - 13:10:53 CDT