Re: all time worst question I have been ever asked as a DBA

From: Bill Ferguson <>
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2011 10:53:08 -0600
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 10:29 AM, Lange, Kevin G <> wrote:
> In a former life, I called the help desk because I was having an issue with
> my machine connecting to our local Oracle database that I was the DBA on.  I
> was prety sure it was some issue with the client but we did not get to admin
> our own PCs so I was out of luck in doing anything about it myself .
> The help desk actually told me to "Shut your PC down by powering it off.
> Now turn it on.  When you see the OS/2 load screen, shut it down real
> fast."  He told me to do this 3 times.   Wondering where he was going with
> this, I did it.  I was stuck without a connection anyway.  He then told me
> "OK.  Your machine should be fixed now.  Go ahead and connect.".   I tried.
> And, as I expected, the failure still happened.
> He next said "OK.  Let me call the Subject Mater Expert I have on record in
> your location."     As I was waiting for this to happen, my other line
> range.  It was the Help Desk calling me about this guy who was having
> trouble connecting to our local Oracle Database.
> You think he might have noticed a simularity in the names.
> ________________________________

LOL I've had this happen to me numerous times, and I still laugh about how the non-"Help Desk" can't solve these simple problems. But, at least I also have "God Rights", so I can avoid dealing with the non-"Help Desk" as much as possible.
-- Bill Ferguson
Received on Wed Jul 27 2011 - 11:53:08 CDT

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