Re: upgrade from to gives 100s of invalid objects
Date: Sun, 17 Jul 2011 13:19:57 +0200
Message-ID: <>
If you can afford the downtime, drop and re-create the database using only the options you actually need. There's a nice doc on metalink (733824.1) that shows step-by-step how to do this using TTS, thus minimizing the time needed. I've done this several times, because having this many options really increases the chances of something going wrong during upgrades.
And have you tried to re-start in UPGRADE mode, and simply re-running catupgrd one more time ? That often helps. Make sure you log its output, and if something goes wrong, look at the first couple errors that occur.
And I see you mention your plan is to actually move to 11g -- then why botehr with ? IIRC you can go directly to 11g from anything above (there's a matrix that illustrates this in the upgrade guide of each target release if I'm not mistaken).
Stefan P Knecht
CEO & Founder
10046 Consulting GmbH
Schwarzackerstrasse 29
CH-8304 Wallisellen
Phone +41-(0)8400-10046
Cell +41 (0) 79 571 36 27
On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 1:06 PM, Howard Latham <>wrote:
> Platform Redhat Linux
> 3 Databases on 1 box 2 dbs upgraded ok the other one very old - was once
> v7 has hundreds of invalid objects
> and status of server component invalid.
> Can't downgrade as the other 2 are ok.
> I have logged an SR and we have tried uninstalling and reinstalling
> components,
> Ideas seem to have run out.
> I wonder wherher the 'inavalidity' Matters if all the queries we do work
> ok.
> I also wonder whether I should just go ahead and upgrade to 11 which was
> why we started upgrade in first place.
> This DB is 500gigs of data.
> Thoughts ?
> --
> Howard A. Latham
> Sent from my Nokia N97
-- on Sun Jul 17 2011 - 06:19:57 CDT