Re: Oracle Database in Embedded Environments
Date: Fri, 15 Jul 2011 11:45:42 -0400
Message-ID: <>
Some points from my experience:
- "Embedded" does not exclude sqlplus;
- Your client does not have any "direct" (e.g. through sqlplus) access to the database, other than through your application;
- You ("Seller" company) bear full responsibility for database "well-being", your client's DBAs (servicing Client's "other" databases) do not touch your embedded database; that means you try to "automate" maintenance/monitoring procedures (backups, etc...) as much as possible; also means that "remote access" from "Seller" company to "embedded" database becomes absolute necessity.
Igor Neyman
On Fri, Jul 15, 2011 at 9:07 AM, marco pb <> wrote:
> It's my first post on oracle-l even if I follow you since two years by RSS
> :) and I'd like to say hello to all of you.
> I'm gathering informations about Oracle database embedded solutions and I
> started reading this link
> I know that to sell Oracle database in embedded environments you have to be
> an Oracle partner and certified to be able to deploy your application with
> it.
> The problem is: our account manager "heard" that an embedded oracle
> database is provided to the customer as is (into the appliance) and it's not
> possible to manage it by a dba because for example sqlplus is even not
> installed.
> Then I read also this pdf
> In my opinion it consists just in a silent but "complete" installation
> where if you are able to conveniently configure and use the database into
> the appliance no administrative in-house intervention is required...
> otherwise the seller (my company in this case) have to solve the problem
> with their own dba.
> What is your experience about it ?
> Regards,
> Marco
-- on Fri Jul 15 2011 - 10:45:42 CDT