Re: Attend4FREE: 6 Days of Expert+ Speakers & Sessions FOR Oracle, MySql and Java technologies

From: <>
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2011 12:34:48 -0400
Message-ID: <>

Nothing is entirely free, and I'm not too fond of the terms and conditions like:
  • You agree to give BrainSurface permission to post and publish your profile summary, biographies and all other related submitted material at BrainSurface websites and licensees, affiliates in any and all current and future printed form and digital media.
  • You agree to give BrainSurface the right to modify and edit your profile summary, biographies and all other related submitted material for grammar, consistency, better organization and style as needed, deemed fit and necessary.

Its one thing when speaking but to change my bio, when they see fit and I'm only attending?

I think I'll pass.


Syed Jaffar Hussain <> To:
Oracle-L Freelists <> Cc:
"Bobak, Mark" <>, Steve Adams

07/14/2011 12:10 PM
Attend4FREE: 6 Days of Expert+ Speakers & Sessions FOR Oracle, MySql and Java technologies
Sent by:

Attend4FREE: 6 Days of Expert+ Speakers & Sessions! Jul 16 - 21, 2011
100% LIVE & Virtual - No Travel Required! Seats are LIMITED: Register4FREE NOW!

With keynotes from Steven Feuerstein, Arup Nanda, Dr. Bert Scalzo, Eddie Awad, Lewis Cunningham, Tim Gorman, Jeremy Schneider, David Koelle, Guy Harrison, Tariq Farooq and a 4-hour Gold Star Deep-Dive session from Mike Ault, this a DO-NOT-MISS virtual learning event of a lifetime.
Entire Conference Schedule: Featured Speakers
Mike Ault - Oracle ACE, Speaker, Blogger, Guru, Author of 25 Oracle Books Dr. Bert Scalzo - Oracle ACE, Guru, Speaker, Author of 11 Oracle Books Steven Feuerstein - Oracle ACE Director, Speaker, Blogger, Guru, Author of multiple Oracle Books
Arup Nanda - Oracle ACE Director, Oracle Magazine's DBA of the Year, Author of 4 Oracle Books
Brian "Bex" Huff - Oracle ACE Director, Speaker, Blogger, Guru, Author of multiple Oracle Books
Vinod Haval - Oracle Magazine's DBA of the Year, Speaker & Community Leader
David Koelle - Triple Java Rockstar, Duke's Choice Award Winner, Author, JUG Community Leader
Lewis Cunningham - Oracle ACE Director, Blogger, Guru, Author of multiple Oracle Books
Riyaj Shamsudeen - Oracle ACE, Performance Tuning Expert Guru, Author of multiple Oracle Books
Syed Jaffar Hussain - Oracle ACE Director, 10g Certified Master, RAC Expert, Author of 11g RAC Essentials Guy Harrison - Oracle ACE & MySQL Star, Speaker, Blogger, Guru, Author of multiple Oracle Books
Matt Warman - Author, Blogger, Speaker & JUG Community Leader Dan Hotka - Oracle ACE Director, Guru, Instructor, Author of 7 Oracle Books
Dario Laverde - Speaker, Blogger, Author & JUG Community Leader Colin Charles - MySQL Evangelist, Blogger, Author & Community Leader Kai Yu - Oracle ACE Director, Blogger, Author & Award-Winning Community Leader
Eddie Awad - Oracle ACE Director, Award-winning Evangelist, Author, Blogger & Speaker
Tariq Farooq - Oracle ACE, Virtualization & RAC Expert, Author, Blogger & Community Organizer
A sneak preview into VirtaThon's Expert+ Sessions Click here for the entire 6-day conference schedule. VirtaThon GoldStar Session!!! 4-Hour Deep-Dive: Got Performance? Statspack and AWRAnalysis
Exadata - What Exactly is the Magic
Oracle RAC Interview Q/A Competition
High Performance PL/SQL
360 Degrees - Migrate your Single-Instance Online Database to RAC using Streams & Data Pump
Spin Up Oracle In The Cloud
An Intro to the Java Play Framework
Accelerating Oracle and MySQL Database performance with Solid State Disk Golden Rules for API Design
Top 10 Security Vulnerabilities in Web Applications Engineering Better PL/SQL
Oracle Services On RAC: Five Things You Might Not Know Oracle 11gR2 Cluster upgrade success story- A complete cycle Automated Provisioning Oracle 11g/R2 RAC using Enterprise Manager The well managed Application
SQL Performance Tuning with Oracle AWR & ASH: What, When & How Got Performance? Statspack and AWR Analysis Five Features You Ought to Know About the Oracle Scheduler Concept, Genesis & Virtual Reality
Attend, participate & learn cutting edge knowledge from recognized domain experts from all over the world: All within the realm of your broadband connection at the largest Independent "Virtual Conference" for the Oracle, Java & MySQL Communities. Aimed at a global audience, VirtaThon was conceived to revolutionize Online Conferencing, focusing on the core goal of facilitating the inexpensive dissemination of expert knowledge to the masses.
Almost everyone of us would like to attend world-class physical conference events but, given these globally tough economic times that we live in, can we afford the costs of attendance, travel, time-off, lodging and such? How about attending a LIVE virtual conference from wherever you choose to be in the world?
The biggest prohibiting reasons in attending physical Professional Conferences translate into various inhibiting factors such as travel, time-off, lodging, not to mention the attendance fees that can easily run into the thousands of dollars. VirtaThon bridges this gap and makes it incredibly easy to attend a 6-day Conference event from the comfort of your PC. All you need is a broadband Internet connect and voilą, you are right there: Attending 6 days of cutting-edge expert-level sessions and interacting/benefiting from world renowned experts in the Oracle, Java & MySQL domains.
Got VirtaThon? Register NOW!

Best Regards,

Syed Jaffar Hussain
Oracle ACE Director 
Oracle Certified Master (10g)
Co-author Oracle 11gR1/R2 RAC Essentials 
OCP 8i,9i,10g & 11g DBA
RAC Certified Expert
ITIL V3 foundation certified
Oracle RAC SIG Representative for Saudi Arabian region 
Advisory & Governance Council for VirtaThon 
I blog at  :
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Follow me on twitter :!/sjaffarhussain
"Winners don't do different things. They do things differently."

Received on Thu Jul 14 2011 - 11:34:48 CDT

Original text of this message