Re: Anyone tried connecting to 10.1 DB from 11.2 client?
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2011 16:07:12 -0300
Message-ID: <>
I have client installed on windows xp 32 and I can connect to all my databases (ranging from to Databases are on linux and solaris and there are a couple of 10.1 databases out there... so... I wasn't aware of any issues...
I do use toad, but the libraries and everything are the client's.
On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 3:43 PM, Rich Jesse <> wrote:
> Mark writes:
> > At a client site, I have an client on 64-bit Windows where
> SQL*Plus
> > gets called from shell scripts running in Cygwin and the client connects
> to
> > both 10.2 and 10.1 databases on Unix. I've noticed infrequent wrong
> query
> > results get returned. It appears to be related to load on the database
> I opened an SR to ask my question, which went something like this:
> Me: 11.2 client to 10.1 DB is not supported. What specifically doesn't
> work?
> OS: 11.2 client is not supported to connect to 10.1 DB.
> Me: I know that, but I need to know the specifics of *why*.
> OS: We do not know why.
> Me: Close SR without solution
> OS: Close/No fault found
> I was also able to get an 11.2 instance client to successfully connect and
> interact with our dev 10.1 DB. But the end story is that I'm not allowing
> an 11.2 client to connect to our 10.1 Production instance. I'm going to
> investigate the more painful testing route in the interest of Production
> integrity and uptime.
> Thanks to everyone for their feedback!
> Rich
> --
-- on Wed Jul 13 2011 - 14:07:12 CDT