RE: Anyone tried connecting to 10.1 DB from 11.2 client?

From: Jorgensen, Finn <>
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2011 11:39:15 -0400
Message-ID: <9CE162BC5ED2C643956B526A7EDE46FF02693F98D754_at_EXM-OMF-04.Ceg.Corp.Net>

I believe the general rule of thumb for Oracle is that they don't support more than 2 version jumps in client to RDBMS connectivity. I would have expected any 10->11 would have been supported whereas 9->11 would not, but maybe 10.1 to 11.2 constitutes more than 2 versions in current Oracle terminology?

Anyway, a simple test shows that the connectivity works. YMMV and you may run into issues if you do something sophisticated.

> sqlplus oem_at_finshdw

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FINSHDW> Thanks,

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Rich Jesse Sent: Monday, July 11, 2011 10:44 AM
To: Oracle L
Subject: Anyone tried connecting to 10.1 DB from 11.2 client?


In the throws of a DB upgrade from to, I see MOS 207303.1 and 1065024.1 say that an 11.2 client is not supported for connecting to a 10.1 DB.

While I won't need that for our production upgrade, it would be MUCH easier for our test upgrade. Our dev ERP has its own 10.1 DB, but also requires access to the central repository in the prod DB (those responsible for this setup are no longer here!). So when I upgrade our dev DB to 11.2, the ERP system will still need access to 10.1 prod DB, and a client upgrade to 11.2 will supposedly break that.

Has anyone tried an 11.2 client against a 10.1 DB? I'm curious as to the reasons why it's not supported.



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