Re: how to clone database to different DB name use RMAN (No duplicate or exp/imp)

From: Guillermo Alan Bort <>
Date: Tue, 5 Jul 2011 17:37:47 -0300
Message-ID: <>

Short answer: no

long answer: no, rman restore restores the database to the same DBID/DBNAME/SID (I may be wrong in one of those, it's been a while since I tried that). You will need to then change them using nid utility. RMAN backup restores were not designed to duplicate databases, that's what the DUPLICATE command is for.

If you are using a new server, then it shouldn't be a problem to restore to the original name and then change the name, the only place where I've seen this be a problem is when duplicating the DB to the same server, and even then you just use "duplicate" which is easier...


On Tue, Jul 5, 2011 at 5:01 PM, dba1 mcc <> wrote:

> We have ORACLE 10Gr2 and 11GR1
> databases. We plan to clone database to other server
> and also rename it using "nightly backup". This nightly backup may be
> several weeks ago. In this case we can NOT use rman "duplicate" command or
> I know I can use RMAN restore to same database name then
> rename it. Does there has other way can do it?
> Thanks.
> --

Received on Tue Jul 05 2011 - 15:37:47 CDT

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