Re: Is a RDBMS needed?
From: Nuno Souto <>
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2011 21:22:00 +1000
Message-ID: <>
(pssst, Norman!):
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2011 21:22:00 +1000
Message-ID: <>
(pssst, Norman!):
I wrote that in 1998: it was part of my site back then, "the Den".
It's never been more actual! :-)
Particularly the last section, which nearly explains how Uniface works.
Good design has never gone out of fashion: it's only been ignored by ignorant
posers parading as "experts". We gave up on tar and feathers too soon...
-- Cheers Nuno Souto Dunbar, Norman (Capgemini) wrote,on my timestamp of 30/06/2011 7:57 PM:Received on Thu Jun 30 2011 - 06:22:00 CDT
> Uniface - many years ago - was the only application builder that I would
> consider as being able to provide database independence. It had an
> "assignment" file which told it to use Oracle (ORA) or SQL Server (MSS)
> or plain text (TXT) and so on. Whichever setting was used caused a
> different database layer library to be used to query the database. It
> worked and it worked well.