RE: PLSQL - handling errors when using an implicit cursor
Date: Wed, 29 Jun 2011 16:13:18 -0500
Message-ID: <>
None of the ways I can think of stay in your simple insert statement format.
Any way you can use an anonymous block that uses a cursor from the source table ? Inside the cursor loop take down information like the row id of the source record. Then, when the insert causes an error, use an exception block to display the saved rowid value.
If you want all records that are good to be inserted, then commit after each successful insert. Otherwise, rollback on the first failure.
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Schauss, Peter (ESS)
Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2011 3:21 PM
Subject: PLSQL - handling errors when using an implicit cursor
I have a stored procedure which is copying and, in some cases, transforming data from one table to another. For some reasons related to the application requirements, I have to use code in the form:
insert into target_table (c1,c2, c3,...)
(select s1,s2,s3,...) from source_table where ...);
I am trying to work out a way to handle errors so that we can determine which row in the source table caused the insert to fail. The only thing I have thought of so far would be to use an ORDER BY clause in the select statement. Then the SQL%ROWCOUNT+1 would be the offending row in the source table. I could then retrieve that row with a select statement. Read consistency should insure that it would be the same row as long as I do not commit or roll back the transaction. Can anyone suggest a less cumbersome solution?
Peter Schauss
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Received on Wed Jun 29 2011 - 16:13:18 CDT