Re: Slightly-OT: Throw HW at a SW/DB problem
Date: Mon, 27 Jun 2011 16:21:35 +0100
Message-ID: <>
I'm not sure how many people are advocating hardware based tuning - but I do have *some *sympathy with what the guy is saying. We don't get to see what the tuning process was, but a quick triage might go along the lines of
"this problem workload currently does 10 million I/Os at 10ms each on average, that takes nearly all the 30 minutes elapsed time. If we hire an external guy at $1500 a day for a week then we think we can probably reduce that by half and understand our application better. Or we could pay $5000 for an SSD device and reduce the time taken by 80%."
Now obviously my numbers might be off, but I suspect they aren't off by enough to void the point that sometimes hardware outperforms expertise. The problem is of course all those times where the hardware doesn't out perform expertise.
On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 3:45 PM, Rich Jesse <> wrote:
> I think I'm gonna be sick:
> This mentality **in a database professional** completely escapes me. It
> brings to mind that I just "upgraded" my Blackberry to one that has 2x the
> CPU and 5x the RAM -- and still works just as bad as the one it replaced
> (if
> not worse).
> Anyone from the Oracle camp advocating/predicting hardware-based "tuning"?
> Rant over.
> Rich
> --
-- Niall Litchfield Oracle DBA -- on Mon Jun 27 2011 - 10:21:35 CDT